Thursday, November 10, 2011

I Am Thankful for My World

     Back in this post  I mentioned a lump I had found under my arm.  Now, I know finding a lump isn't the end all of my world.  I know that something like 4 out of every 5 lumps turn out to be nothing at all.  In fact, I've even had a lump removed already!  Back when I was 25, I found a lump while doing a self exam (I hope you do yours at least every couple months) and the doctor decided it would be best to find out what it was.  It was nothing!  Praise God!  Still, I wasn't all that nervous or upset about it back then.  I was a newlywed, 25 year old, childless women, with the world at her feet.  Nothing could happen to me!

     Well, now I'm a well-seasoned, 40 year old, mother of four, with wrinkles in my forehead.  I'm not fearless, I don't believe life will go on forever, or even that it's my God given right to live to see my children grow.  God doesn't like me better than anyone else.  Having brown hair doesn't protect me.  Having people in the world who need me doesn't matter.  I could be the one who gets the bad news.  

     But you know, fear isn't always a bad thing.  We are supposed to have fear of the Lord, right?  We should have a nice respectful fear of the ocean and dare devil feats like bungy jumping or climbing Mt. Everest.  Fear makes us aware of our surroundings and the consequences of making poor choices.  Hopefully, it guides us into making good choices.  For myself, I can say it's been a fairly peaceful week around the house.  Fear does make you aware of those little people surrounding you and how important they are. 

     I had an appointment with the surgeon today.  We will be doing a biopsy, although he is not near as worried about it as I am.  The lump is sitting on or at least very near an artery, so that gives us a bit of a complication.  My biopsy will be surgical for that reason.  A very dear friend is a nurse and has shuffled her schedule so she will be my recovery nurse.  Other dear friends have stepped in to help with the kids and dinner.  Even more are just offering prayers.

     So, I am very thankful for my own little world.  My kids, my husband, family, wonderful amazing friends and a complete sense of security.  I'm not secure from bad things, but I am secure in knowing that whatever happens, it will be okay because of the people surrounding me.

427 by TJoy71
"The best part of life is when your family becomes your friends, and your friends become your family."
---Danica Whitfield

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Office Project - Part 2

     I know I said I'd update twice a week, and I am so sorry, but I'm only just getting back to writing about my current project.  I've done a little shopping and put together a plan.  The first thing on my to-do list was a book shelf.  I needed something to the side of my desk (hint - it's in a closet!) for some additional storage.  I really like those islands you see in craft rooms.  Like this..........

     I found this photo here........Paisley.  Actually, you will find some wonderful inspiration photos for craft rooms, so check her out!  This was along the lines of what I wanted, but without a desk portion.  I wanted it to be shelved on both sides, but I sure didn't want to spend a ton of money.  Where's the creativity in that?

     I gave it a little thought and the lights finally came on!  I went to trusty ol' Target and picked up two of these..........

Photo by TJoy71

     These were extremely easy to put together, but I must warn you, those lower shelves are NOT very sturdy.  They will work fine for my purpose, but if you're looking for something stronger, keep looking.  You can certainly use the same concept though.  Okay, so I put two of them together and arranged them in the designated corner like this................

Photo by TJoy71

     Next, I grabbed a nice thick piece of plywood from Home Depot.  I'm sorry, I don't know proper wood terminology, but I'll work on it.  This piece of wood is about a half inch thick, nice and smooth on both sides, and not at all wobbly.  I knew it would be perfect for what I needed.  I cut it to the dimensions of my new "shelf table" with about an inch extra.  That extra bit gives you a half inch lip on all sides and helps in the event something isn't quite perfectly squared. 

     The next step is a little extra detail, but I think it was well worth it.  I grabbed some Melamime edging tape for the sides of this piece of plywood.  You actually iron in on to the sides of your wood for a nicely finished edge.  It was easy and really made it look nice.  I'll be sure to use this in the future for any exposed raw edges. 

Photo by TJoy71

     The directions suggest placing a bit of aluminum foil between the tape and your iron to protect your iron and then you just simply iron it on.  Couldn't be easier!  Then, you use a box cutter and trim it as needed.

Photo by TJoy71

     Next, I gave it about three good coats of spray paint and allowed it to dry well overnight.  I still haven't added the polycrilic, but I will!  I've got another small project that will need it as well and I'm going to just do them at the same time.  The final step was adding legs to support it in the back.

Photo by TJoy71

     The legs aren't pretty, but nobody will see them. I did fix up that crooked one and filled the holes, so they aren't visible anymore.  Now, you're ready to life it up and over and plop it down into place.

Photo by TJoy71

     Now, it's done!  My very own shelf table for only a fraction of the price!  I'm very happy with the way it turned out, but I have to tell you...................I'm kinda thinking about trying out some chalk paint on it and going with a nice creamy white after all!  I'll let you know if I do!

     Stay tuned to my Office Project.  Part 3 is coming soon!!

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

I ate a frog for breakfast!

     I ate a frog for breakfast because Tsh Oxenreider (pronounced Tish) over at Simple Mom - Life hacks for home managers  told me to!  She is the author of the e-book called One Bite at a Time - 52 projects for making life simpler.

   No, I'm not being paid to talk about this book.  My blog is about motherhood and trying to enjoy every last ounce of it.  That is why I was so excited when I found this book.  It's downloadable and I put it right on my favorite shelf - my Nook!

      So, did I eat a frog?? Why, yes! Yes, I did!! One of the first things I read was a quote she had by Mark Twain, which said, "Eat a live frog first thing in the morning and nothing worse will happen to you the rest of the day.”

      So, take your least favorite chore, least favorite horrible, awful, foul thing you have to do each day and just get it over with! Eat your frog! Then, everything else on your plate just doesn't seem that bad.

     Her book has 52 projects or habits designed to help bring you to an organized, yet simple daily life.  You don't do them all at once or even in any particular order.  You do them in your own time.  You can choose one a week and give yourself a year.  Nobody says you have to be perfect starting tomorrow!

     Tsh is also a really great blogger and I know you'll love her website.  I do hope you'll check her out and let me know what you think about her site or if you've read anything by her already.  God bless!


286 by TJoy71
286, a photo by TJoy71 on Flickr.

Monday, November 7, 2011

Monday Mommyisms!!

     I have no picture of what I want this morning!  You see, I'm a boy mom and there are no rainbows, butterflies, Barbie dolls, or unicorns for me to take pictures of!  This picture should work just as well though!  When you don't have what you need, work with what you've got, right?

Boy Toys by TJoy71
Boy Toys, a photo by TJoy71 on Flickr.

     Now, I'm going to tell you something you may not know.  Indeed, you may never have been told this or had the pleasure of learning on your own.  OR..........maybe you have!  Kids talk!  ALOT!!!  They talk about what they like, what they don't like, who they like or don't like.  They talk about school, home, television, all sorts of wonderful curiousities.  Sometimes, they are very interesting and we love more than anything to sit with them and snuggle up, just listening to every sweet little word they say.  Sometimes, we find ourselves sitting there after five minutes having to remind ourselves to just keep listening, just keep listening.  Enter your best Dory voice - Just keep swimming, Just keep swimming!

     You might find yourself having to keep your eyes open or your mouth closed.  You might even find yourself swaying on your feet while your ears are being flooded with the latest Spongebob episode critique - word for word mind you.  Or better yet, their latest adventure in some fascinating (or not!) Pokemon Diamond, Emerald, whatever game.  I can only take so much.  I mean, c'mon!  I'm a girl for crying out loud!  Birthing boys did not give me a sudden interest in the various sounds and odors our bodies can make.  It did not give me the ability to put together an F-22 Raptor using the Legos from last Christmas' Pirates of the Carribean set.  And please don't start using the word "evolve" around me.  As in the Pokemon called Pikawhat evolves into an jigglysomethingorother!  What??

     My dears, I have the solution for you!  And for only three easy payments of peace and quiet they're yours for free!

     You simply turn your eyes right to them and say, "Oh!  I forgot to tell you!  I went to Hobby Lobby today to get some stuff for scrapbooking.  You should've seen the new stickers they got in.  I got some pink unicorn stickers, and some glittery flowers, and the cutest little fairy papers you've ever seen!!  Do you want to see them?"  I guarantee you will get back your personal space in 3 seconds tops!  It works!! 

     Well, it works for boys.  I don't know what works for girls.  I guess you could go back to those body functions, but well, that's just gross!!

Saturday, November 5, 2011

What to do on Saturday?

     I love to read! I particularly love historical romance novels. I love Johanna Linsdey, Jude Deveraux, Paula Quinn, and Julie Garwood just to name a few. I'm forever reading a new book! What else is a girl to do while her entire (male) clan hogs the tv with hunting, sports, CSI, NCIS, etc.?? Well, I also have a laptop and plenty of my favorite wine at the ready. These things enable me to "hang out" with them without actually becoming on of them! You know men smell funny, right? I DO NOT want to become one!!

Photo by TJoy71
Photo, a photo by TJoy71 on Flickr.

      My current read, or reads I should say, is the Diana Gabaldon Outlander series.  I am on book number 6 with just over 100 pages to go!  I probably started them a good year ago and have taken time in between to rest up!  Oh my, the adventures of these people!! I need vacations and plenty of naps between the books.  I swear they literally exhaust you!  BUT, they are so, so very good!  I once tried to convince my husband to speak to me with a Scottish burr, but he's from the south and that just really didn't work out well!  The stories do start out with a wonderful love story and they continue through many, many years and several historical events as well. 

     This morning, I am determined to finish up this particular book (it's the silver one) and then I'm going to take the kids of a fun journey to Choreville.  They love that place!  Okay not really, but you have to go through it to get to VideoGameington.  See how the mean mommies do it??

     So.............are you a reader?  What are your favorite genres and what are you reading now?  I've only got the one book left in my series, so I'm looking for a few good reads!  Share your favorite books and let me know if you've read any of the Outlander series.  Can't wait to hear from you!

Friday, November 4, 2011

Would I Be a Bad Mommy If...........??

     That's a whole lotta candy, right?  And that's just a very small portion of the treasure trove belonging to one of my little monsters.  This particular child has them organized into piles on the fireplace.  It's really a bit too tempting for me every time I walk through the living room.  I mean really!?  Piles of M&M's, piles of Tootsie Rolls (assorted flavors of course!), piles of chocolate bars, and so on.  There is one pile I can easily resist, which consists of little rubber lizards and bouncy balls, you know......things of that nature!

Photo by TJoy71

     So I ask you, does it make me a bad mommy to eat the good stuff?  There's also the thought that I can just let them gorge themselves tonight.  It is Friday after all.  I suppose I could also casually throw a little away here and there.  Don't get me wrong, I'm not a candy hater.  Oh no, I'm a lover!  I looOOoove me some candy!!  But really, the tempation is just too much.  I feel like one of my own children at the check out line of the grocery store.  Can I have it?  Please?  Puhleeezzzeeee?????  I'll never ask again, I promise!!

     Are you eating your kids candy?  Have you ever "sold" your candy to local dentists?  My kids are on to that.  One dentist is selling it for $5 a pound.  We've got a total of just over 12 pounds.  Do you know how much MORE candy you can buy with $60?  My boys do!  Alright, that's it!  I'm saving the lives of my children and their teeth!  I'm eating it!!  Over and out dear friends!  Let me just first grab a full body Spanx.  Hmmm......I better grab two! 

     Have a great weekend!

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Happy Fall Y'all!

Photo by TJoy71
Photo by TJoy71 on Flickr.

     My oh my!  What a nutso week!  The Halloween preps went wonderfully!  We got our Goodwill Scarecrow put together and pumpkins carved without a hitch!  Well, I say without a hitch...............unless you count the bottom portion of this post!  C's finger got smashed in a bedroom door and although the original ER visit said there was no break or fracture, our Tuesday morning follow-up showed a small fracture in the growth plate and it will need to remain splinted for up to two weeks.  It's his dominant hand and, as you can plainly understand, that sort of injury dissallows many functions.  For example: homework, putting away clothes and toys, brushing teeth, etc.  The good news is he is still quite capable of wresting with his brothers, riding a scooter, and tapping everything with the tip of the splint (because it makes a really cool sound!).  So, I'm thinking we will survive.  That same afternoon, the tallest child had the pleasure of getting his second ingrown toenail removed.  Gauze and neosporin can be found in my purse or pocket at all times right now, so if you need any let me know!

     I neglected to mention Monday because I didn't do much of anything.  Why?  Well, because I woke up with a screw sticking half in, half out of my back tire!  Easy fix, just run it in and they'll plug it, right?  Wrong!  It's in the wall of the tire and that means it needs replacing.  Okay, so just pop another one on there, right?  Wrong!  We don't carry that one, but we can order it and it'll be in no later than 1.  Fine!  I pick my kids up at 2:30, so I'll have my friend swing me by, the tire will be on, and I'll be ready to go, right?  Wrong again!  But, you can borrow our beautiful 1847 model mini-van with .3 gallons of gas in it! Thanks!  Big smile, BIG smile!!  I'm really not exaggerating, but I did take it all with a grain of salt.  The tire's now on, I was able to pick the kids up, and thankfully I have amazing friends who are willing to drive my rear end back and forth to my house for such crazy emergencies! During all this chaos, C called because his finger was hurting and our dear, sweet principal did me a huge favor and made my little man all better.  I was so upset because I couldn't do anything for him.  Remember, I was without a car to get anywhere! So, I took the prinicipal a 4-pack of some of the best ever cupcakes the next day! 

     Now, for a not so fun paragraph.  I have found a rather odd lump under my right arm.  I waited a while to see if it went away and it has not.  It's not painful, but it is visible.  Finally, I went in to have a mammogram and they also did a sonogram.  They are saying it does not appear to be a swollen lymph node and the lymph nodes around it all appear to be normal.  There was nothing abnormal in my actual breast that they could see.  However, since they don't know what it is, we will need to do a biopsy.  Whatever it is, it's sitting right on top of my artery, so after discussing it a bit last night, my husband and I have decided we will head over to the Mayo clinic and let them handle that.  This will actually be the third knot I've found.  The first I found when I was 25 and it turned out to be nothing to worry about, was removed and forgotten about.  The second was a swollen milk duct, so also no biggee.  Now that I'm 40, I'm not feeling so confindent in all this.  It'll be good to have it over and done with.  So, if you are in the habit of praying, I would sure appreciate it if you would send some blessings my way. 

    On the frighteningly cheerful side of life, however, I had the pleasure of haunting the neighborhood with some rather ghoulish monsters and one rather handsome and goodly spirited Robin Hood.  We spend our Halloweens with some dear friends and have chili, pizza, and yummy treats.  We've been doing this for 8 years now and have added a couple other familes as well.  We look forward to it every year and have all vowed to continue even after the youngest gets too old to trick-or-treat.  We just have so much fun! And besides, Tami, whose head appears to be floating over the shoulder of one of my ghouls, makes amazing chili!! 

     I hope you all had a wonderful weekend and now it's time to be Thankful!  Many blessing y'all!!

Happy Halloween! by TJoy71
Photo by TJoy71 on Flickr.

Saturday, October 29, 2011

Office Project - Post One!

Photo by TJoy71

     The above picture shows the puchases I made yesterday.  The black buffet in the back is already ours, but will probably be moved out.  The table, wire basket, green box, and purple white board thing are from Goodwill.  I had to get a couple things from Home Depot, like the paint, but I bought a nice neutral color that I can certainly use on other projects and some polycrilic.  The shelf is from Target.  There's also a rug in the very background standing up from Home Depot.  It's a cheapie, but I liked the colors. 

Photo by TJoy71

     These are pieces I've already had.  The chairs are from an old dining room set.  It's covered in plastic because they were originally white and I had three very little ones at the time.  I've hung on to them because I've always liked them.  The bench was given to me years ago in exchange for a baby crib.  The wall is one of my favorite things, but I will have to move it down a bit as it will no longer be centered. 

     The plan is to re-arrange some already exisitiing pieces that aren't shown, to paint and tweak that bench, to re-upholster and add cushioning to the back of two of those dining room chairs.  I may not use all the pillows, but the colors are what I'll be working toward.  The table from Goodwill is going to get a paintjob as will the green box and the purple white board.  Not sure what I'm going to do with the wire basket, but I'm sure it can be used. 

     So, it's all coming together.  I did some pretty heavy cleaning around the house today and had hoped to get some sanding done so I could start a bit of painting tomorrow.  However, as usual, some weeds popped up! I had to post about it and put a picture up because you know I love to find the humor in everything. 

     C got his finger smooshed in a door today and I really thought that top joint had gotten broken.  They weren't so sure at the ER either because they did go ahead and get x-rays.  He'll definitely lose the nail, but it should heal just fine.  They did splint it though because it was pretty nasty! 

Photo by TJoy71

Sadly, he is well aware of the fact that it is not polite to put that particular finger in the air.  That said, he's seven, he's a boy, and it's going to be a loooooong week!!  Note my plaque on the wall.  "May the Lord bless and protect you and give you peace."  Lord, please give me peace while he's at school and let not thine principal have to call me!!

All photos by TJoy71 on Flickr.

Friday, October 28, 2011

Hi!  I'm Joy, I'm a hoarder!

No, not really!  I could never do that.  I'm a throw-away-er, but right  now, my house kinda looks like I might be!  My dear, sweet, wonderful husband is well aware of that fact.  He is also well aware of the fact that for some reason, around this time of the year, my head gets overfilled with "Project Iwanttodo".  It usually involves every single room in the house in one way or another.  The problem is, I rarely see a room through to the finish.  Ugh!  So exasperating!  Frustrating! So.............

I, Joy (In the Weeds!) do hereby solemnly swear to:

     *Choose one room at a time.
     *Form a plan (time, money, and projects involved).
     *Allow 2 weeks for completion.
     *Post at least twice during process and once at completion. 

During that time, I promise to keep up the housework and not allow myself to stray to any other projects.  If I get "bright ideas" that is what Pinterest is for!  Remember that! 

Alright, if you read this, please feel free to hound me, berate me, check in on me to keep me going.  I need  it.  Because my husband is well aware of my "issues", he is more than happy to spend this time of year hunting!  Which is probably best.  He can't squish my genius plans that way, can he??!!    That also means I will be here with the boys alone much of the time.  WooHoo!!

First room: My office / boys game room.  *Plan coming soon!  Check back late this afternoon or evening for that and hopefully some pictures.  For now, I'm off to straighten the house a bit, and get ready to party down with some second graders! 

By the way, this adorable kid said to me, "The party's going to be great.  Do you know why?"  I didn't?  "Because you're coming!"  Oh my goodness!!!  That is such a wonderful thing to hear in the morning!!  Right?  Sure..............IF he hadn't kept talking!  "Cuz' you're bringing the trail mix and lemonade!!"  Oh!   The lemonade, by the way, is in the form of Capri Sun!  Yuck! Think he'll mind if I stay after I pass it out??

Photo by TJoy71

Thursday, October 27, 2011

My Favorite Laundry Tip!

*Sorting - Even Freddy Krueger has nightmares!
(A little cheesy Halloween humor - I can't help myself.)
Photo by TJoy71
Photo, a photo by TJoy71 on Flickr.

     If you read long enough, you will learn a few things about me. 

*I have four kids.
*My kids are pigs - cute pigs, but pigs indeed!
*I have twins (they wear the same size!)
*I despise laundry.
*Socks are my nemesis!

     A very dear friend once read this tip in a magazine and passed it on to me.  Unfortunately, it was so many years ago I can't remember which one, but I would like to send a blessing out to the author and I have faith that the Good Lord knows who she is and will one day introduce her to me so I can give her a big ol' hug!
     If you will notice in the picture above, there are dots on each sock.  Each dot represents a child.  The oldest has one dot, the twin who is just slightly larger has two, and so on.  I actually have these on ALL items of clothing for the boys.  EVERYTHING!  Even underwear!  Now, when I'm doing laundry, I don't have to sort for sizes or ask around, "Who's shirt is this?"  It's in relatively the same place on each type of item.  Yes, initially it took some time, but now as I buy clothes, I just grab my sharpie and start dotting away. 
     "Wouldn't initials work just as well?" you ask!  Well, yes and no.  All my children do have different initials so that's all well and good, but this way all I have to do is add a dot as they outgrow the items.  So, when the items are passed down, I don't have a marked out R, a marked out  D, then maybe an M, and truly it would take a miracle for an item to make it all the way to the C!  You see  my point though, right?  Just simply add the dots!
     It's easy for me to sort, easy for the kids to sort, and even easy for the dad!!  Who knew??!!

     I would also like to point out another great benefit to this technique.  When I find a sock laying around, let's say in the hall or on the dining room table, maybe even the fridge.  It's possible, trust me!!  Well, I simply have to check the dots and I know who my culprit is!  For some reason, it's usually the same one.  I won't call out any names, NUMBER 2!!!  You know who you are!

Photo by TJoy71
Just to give a general idea of where I place my dots on different items.  It should be in an area easy for you to see as you're folding and sorting. 

     Once I've folded the laundry, I create piles on the coffee table.   When the boys get home from school, I have them simply put away their pile.  It's in order of age, so they know right where to look.  It's the little things that make chores easier. 

I hope this helps somebody out there in Bloggerville!  What are your laundry tips?  Do you have your kids help around the house and if so, what's your trick?  Comment back, I'd love to hear from you!

Tip Junkie handmade projects

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Darn Pinterest!!

     You know what I love to do that my husband hates?  I love to go online and look at all the fresh new home decorating ideas!  The rooms are so clean and uncluttered.  No dirty socks or intermittent lego pieces laying around.  If there is a child or an animal in the background, it's well groomed and at least appears to be well behaved.  I want that!  I want an internet image house!  Yes, that's what I want.  When does Santa get to the mall this year anyway?

     I know the idea is to start with one room at a time, but honestly for an adhd'er like myself, they really all run into one giant room and that just becomes a home interior nightmare.  Besides, just as soon as I get an idea, that one gets lost and then comes another.  By the way, I got these really great boots yesterday at TJMaxx, but well, see what I mean!   ............back to the story! 

     So, what's the one room in your house you would most love to do a makeover?  Living room?  Laundry room?  Hmmm..... wonder if I would like laundry better if I liked the room??  Thought to ponder!  And where would you go for inpsiration?

      I thought I would share some blogs I've found with some beautiful REAL homes!  While I'm sure these women consciously picked up the toys before taking the pictures, they truly look like homes we could all live in and were not just snapped for a magazine photo.

By the way, here's my living room.  You did notice the lack of socks and shoes laying around, right?  Go me!!

My House - Once Upon a Clean Day

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

This Just In !!!

Okay, so turns out if you have a moon rock, you can NOT sell it!! Apparently, there's a very serious law about this and you will be hunted down if you try to do so.

Just heard on Fox TV that a 4 foot 11 inch tall, 74 year old woman was arrested (think drug bust or SWAT team!!) in a Denny's for trying to sell a moon rock she was given by her husband who passed away some 20 something years ago.

To quote Seth Myers and Amy Poehler, "REALLLYYY?"

Oops!  I did it again!!

Yes, I believe a Britney Spears quote is always a good way to start a blog, don't you?  However, I did!  I did it again!!  I barked at one of the boys this morning, had myself a regular little three year old tantrum, and felt like Ogre the Great shuffling everyone into the car.  And the truth is, it's all on me.  I allowed myself a whopping four hours of sleep last night, woke up late this morning, and tried to squeeze an hour of peaceful preparations into thirty minutes of crunch time.  Not fun for anyone.  Great!  Now I'm going to have to make cinnamon buns or something after school to prove to myself I'm a decent mom.  Oh the things we do sometimes.  He'll still love me, right??

It's okay to be angry, it's how you behave when you are that makes the difference.

I tell the boys this constantly.  Maybe I need a plaque so I can see the reminder myself.    I know why I yelled, lack of sleep. I know what I've got to do......put on my big girl panties and accept it, ask forgiveness, and get on with my day.  I won't be a good mommy sleepy or guilt ridden. 

What do you do when you're having a bad day?  Part of me is thankful the boys are at school right now, providing me with plenty of time to chill out and get back on track without them having to deal with me.  The other part of me wants to get him home and smother him with a hug.  Do we have any Zen Mom's out there to offer up advice us?

Monday, October 24, 2011

Monday Mommyism - Take One!

I hope you've already read my profile, but in case you haven't I'll quickly introduce myself.  My name is Joy and I am a married mother of four little boys.  When I was a very young girl, I was a cocktail waitress and we often used the term, "In the weeds" to let another waitress know we were really backed up and needed a hand.  That waitress would then pick up a table or two or grab and deliver some drinks for us to get her co-worker back on track.  That's what us mommy's need!  We need good friends to lend us a hand sometimes.  Something else interesting to note is that if we were in the weeds, that usually generated to a good night of tips due to the high volume of ordering tables we had.  So, you see it doesn't always have to be a bad thing.  It can be a good thing and bring us a bit of joy in the end!  So, please tag along and help me and other women find some joy in the weeds!  Corny?  <enter big, cheesy grin!!> I hope not!

So, now for the Mommyism!  You know what they are, right?  Things only a  mom can say and actually get away with.  Things that may not make much sense otherwise and probably only other moms will truly "get it"!  I have often thought I could write a book about these and have at least twenty entries a day!!  So here's one to share with you today.

I was talking to a girlfriend on the phone and we were going on (and on, and on....) about getting our kids to listen and mind us.  We thought how nice it would be to be June Cleaver or Claire Huxtable.  Always sweet and kind and teaching our children in a way that they really wanted to please us.   Finally, I just blurted out the truth as I often do and said......

"I HAVE to yell at my kids!  If I don't, nobody can hear me!"

There's also my very famous one (and I'm sure I'm not alone with this one)...........

"Why yes, you can eat off my floors!  There's graham crackers and goldfish all over it!"

Sure, they're terrible things to say and not every mom will own up to it.  I understand.  But, it's the truth, it's funny, and it sure made me feel better to say it!

What's something you've found yourself saying that you never thought you would?  Or something you can't believe your child said about you in public?  I'd love to hear from a few of you.  It is, after all Monday and it's always a good idea to start the week off with a good laugh.  Happy Monday!

If I'm so great, why am I being sold for a penny??